Course Description
Pricing: $700 per student
Two options available for classes
12pm-1pm, A six week course
4pm-5pm: Meet n greet/ orientation
9am-10am: class lecture on applied kinesiology and diagnosis
10am-12pm: practice of applied kinesiology
12pm-1pm: Lunch
1pm-2pm: VE approach to treatment and use of vials
2pm-3pm: Case Study
3pm-4pm: Case Study
9am-10am: Case Study
10m-11am: Case Study
12pm-1pm Q and A
Monday Back Guarantee If you did not learn something, if you have no intention of utilizing any part or parts of this approach, if you did not enjoy the seminar, if you think the whole thing is hogwash, and if all of the above are checked off, we will reimburse you 50% of the tuition.